Azibaola Robert is married to Mrs. Stella Onyiobebh Robert, a Master’s degree (MSC) graduate in International Management from the University of the West of England (UWE) Bristol, United Kingdom, with whom they have four Girls: Yepayeye Robert (Born 29th July, 2000), Zoni-Zoni Robert (Born 2nd June, 2003), Emmanuella Robert (Born 5th January 2006), and Azibasuam Robert (Born 5th April 2011).
Check out some memorable family photos of Azibaola & Stella Robert and kids
Political Life
Relation of Former President of Nigeria
Goodluck Jonathan
Azibaola Robert is not an active member of any political party. Though he is an avowed believer of Democracy, he has never nursed interest to hold any political office and has not shown interest in being a card-carrying member of any political party.
He has never attended any political meeting of any political party; although by virtue of his relationship with former President Goodluck Jonathan, he has canvassed preference for Goodluck Jonathan's candidacy as President of Nigeria. Thereafter, he has remained apolitical in his views but always stands for the public interest at all times.
See a gallery of photos of Azibaola and President Goodluck Jonathan

Azibaola Robert is a traditional chieftaincy title holder of the Etche ethnic nationality of Rivers State, Nigeria. He holds the title of Dikeogu 1 (Mighty Man of War) of Etche Kingdom, a high chief traditional title bestowed on him, on behalf of the Onyichi Etche, by HRH, Eze Ken Nwala, the Onye Ishi Agwuru III of Ulakwo/Umuselem Clan of Etche. By the bestowment he became a full-fledged member of the clan, with all rights and privileges as of born members of the clan.
The traditional title was bestowed on him in recognition of his philanthropic deeds, and as a celebration of his excellence in his fields of endeavour.

Azibaola Robert believes in the survival of nature for the survival of man.
He has been an environmentalist who has always stood for nature, especially the preservation of the Niger Delta rainforests.
On the 5th of October 2021, Azibaola led a team of environmentalists into the deep forests of the Niger Delta rainforests on a 14-day Expedition to investigate the state of the forest in view of natural resource depletion and Climate Change. This was done to bring to the attention of and educate the locals on the dangers of killing wildlife, wood logging and to bring an awareness to the untapped rich deposits of wildlife and forest reserves in the Niger Delta forests. The Expedition was the first of its kind in Nigeria.
In March 2016, following the change of Government in Nigeria, where his cousin, President Goodluck Jonathan, was defeated at the polls, Azibaola Robert was arrested in circumstances largely viewed as witch-hunt, over payment his company received to carry out security activities for the Nigerian Government for the safe exploration of crude oil in the explosively hostile security environment of the Niger Delta. He was, after undue prolonged detention, tried alongside his wife, Mrs. Stella Robert, acquitted of all charges on 28th May 2019, and was subsequently upheld by a panel of three (3) Justices of the Court of Appeal of Nigeria, Abuja.
Download and read the judgement of the High Court of Nigeria by Justice Nnamdi Dimgba here
Download and read the judgement of the Court of Appeal of Nigeria here